Area of pineapple cultivation areas in Vietnam

1. Tien Giang Province (about 14.8000 ha)

Pineapples are mainly planted in communes of Thanh My, My Phuoc, Hung Thanh, Thanh Tan, Thanh Hoa, Tan Hoa Dong, Tan Lap 1, Tan Lap 2 and Phuoc Lap of Tan Phuoc district with the area of more than 14,063 ha and annual output of approximate 244,000 tons following VietGAP Standard.

2. Kien Giang Province (about 10.000ha)

Pineapple Areas

Tac Cau island and the surrounding areas along the Cai Lon and Cai Be rivers in Chau Thanh and Go Quao districts, which have alluvial soil and favorable climate conditions, have grown pineapples for over 70 years. The name of the island has become the brand of the south’s tastiest pineapple with a delicate sweetness and special fragrance.

3. Hau Giang Province (about 1.600 ha)

Hau Giang Province has three specialty crops which are pineapples, sugar canes and cajuputs. Of these, Cau Duc pineapples have the highest economic value. It is not only famous in the domestic market but they have also been exported to Russia and other European countries.

Now, Hau Giang Province has about 1,500ha under pineapple cultivation, of which over 1,000ha belong to Hoa Tien and Tan Tien Communes. Thanks to the suitable soil conditions, the pineapple plants yield big and sweet fruit. In 2006, the trademark “Cau Duc Pineapples of Hau Giang” was recognized by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam.

4. Long An Province (about 1.000 ha)


Long An pineapple has a gentle sweetness, a little sourness and an attractive aroma that awakens all your senses.

While rich in fiber and energy, pineapple is low in fat and cholesterol, making it a great supplement that you should add to your diet to improve and maintain health. Pineapple contains manganese, a mineral needed by the body to build bones and connective tissue. Bromelain is an extract found in pineapple, which regulates the activity of the pancreas, aids in digestion

5. Thanh Hoa Province (about 3.789 ha)

Pineapples in Thanh Hoa are grown in Ha Trung districts, Bim Son, Tho Xuan district and Ngoc Lac district.

5. Ninh Binh Province (about 3000ha)

Pine apple

Dong Giao farm is also known as pineapple farm – a quite famous land of Tam Diep and ninh binh vietnam. It appeared with a picture like a romantic feng shui picture, green pineapple trees covered the basalt red soil roads. If you want to find a “green” place between the majestic mountains or a peaceful paradise for a beautiful “pictures” the pineapple farm

Developing raw material areas essential for Vietnam’s agricultural growth

Despite having gained access to nearly 200 countries and territories with an annual turnover of US$40 billion, Việt Nam still struggled to sustainably expand and develop markets for its agricultural commodities in harsh conditions.

Pineapple raw matterial areas

Despite having gained access to nearly 200 countries and territories with an annual turnover of US$40 billion, Việt Nam still struggled to sustainably expand and develop markets for its agricultural commodities in harsh conditions.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyễn Xuân Cường pointed out the country’s disadvantages in increasing consumption of its agricultural products at the International Support Group Plenary Meeting 2019 in Hà Nội.

According to Cường, Việt Nam’s agriculture does not have effective productivity as most of farms are small in size, exposing the sector to threats of loss and crop failure, especially under the impacts of climate change.

“Besides shrimp, catfish and milk, most of Việt Nam’s agricultural products have very short value chains,” he said, adding that Vietnamese farmers were the most vulnerable as production still depended heavily on weather conditions while farming infrastructure was limited.

In the context of global integration, the public-private partnership needs accelerating to allocate resources to develop a completed agriculture management ecosystem which will not only satisfy the food demand of nearly 100 million citizens but also the international market, the minister said.

“Việt Nam has to continue agricultural restructure, focusing on products that the country has comparative advantages, applying innovations and enhancing international cooperation,” said Cường.

Ousmane Dione, World Bank Việt Nam Country Director, raised concerns over quality and sustainability of Việt Nam’s agricultural growth, saying profits earned by small households were low and post-harvest loss was considerable.

Meanwhile, food quality and safety have not ensured, hindering the country’s agriculture sector from expanding.

He recommended Việt Nam strengthens ties among stakeholders and provinces in planning production areas and improving trade promotion besides increasing productivity.

Đặng Kim Sơn, former head of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, stressed upon the development of sustainable raw material areas and cooperatives as the breakthrough to further set up value chains for agricultural products.

In its presentation at the event, representatives of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) briefed the model of “Centre of Excellence” which was piloted in Mekong Delta province of Đồng Tháp and Hà Nội as an approach to develop agri-business and value chain.

According to UNIDO, the model “represents an interface between farmers and the market and acts as a model for the application of appropriate technologies and its transfer to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) acting in the sector”.

Many supporting services are provided including vocational training in food processing and entrepreneurship management.

Two enterprises in Đồng Tháp Province have successfully exported mangoes to the US and tripled the raw material areas, from 300ha to nearly 1,000ha, under the model’s framework.

Việt Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and UNIDO signed a project implementation agreement on increasing quality and standards compliance capacity of the mango value chain in Mekong River Delta. — VNS